Job Search Support

Whether you are new to the workforce or new to the country navigating the job market and all the different sites can be quite challenging. To help you overcome this challenge we have created a comprehensive job search support service to navigate the job market in New Zealand and equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to find suitable employment opportunities.

Our job search support services include the following:

How to set up and use Seek for job search

We guide you through the process of effectively using the popular job search platform Seek. We provide insights on advanced search techniques, filtering options, and how to create an attention-grabbing Seek profile that highlights your skills and experiences to potential employers.

How to set up and use TradeMe for job search

We assist you in leveraging TradeMe, another prominent job search platform in New Zealand. We explain how to navigate the platform, search for relevant job opportunities, and optimise your Trade Me profile to increase your chances of attracting employers.

How to set up and use LinkedIn for job search

We offer guidance on utilising LinkedIn, the leading professional networking platform. We teach you how to create a compelling LinkedIn profile, build your professional network, engage in industry-specific groups, and effectively search for job opportunities.

Setting up profiles on specialty recruitment websites

We assist you in identifying and setting up profiles on specialty recruitment websites that cater to specific industries or job types. These platforms can provide additional job opportunities and increase your visibility within your target sector.

Understanding employer expectations in the New Zealand job market

We provide valuable insights into what employers in the New Zealand market typically expect from job applicants. This includes information on application formats, CV/resume conventions, cover letter expectations, and other essential elements that can help you make a positive impression on potential employers.

Finding the right recruitment agency

We guide you through the process of finding the right recruitment agency that aligns with your career goals and industry preferences. We provide information on reputable agencies and offer tips on how to approach and engage with them effectively.

Our job search support services are specifically designed to address the unique needs of individuals new to work and new to the New Zealand job market. We empower you with the necessary tools, knowledge, and strategies to navigate the job search process with confidence.

Begin your journey towards finding employment in New Zealand. Contact us today to access our specialised job search support services and unlock the opportunities that await you!